Kitesurf spot Berck - La Grande Plage
All the information you need to kite there safely
Kitesurf spot Berck - La Grande Plage
All the information you need to kite there safely
If you are looking for a new playground to practice your favorite sport, you have come to the right place!
The Opal Coast has several large sandy beaches, and Berck's one is among the most beautiful!
From Paris, it takes about 2h30 by car. Once there, you will discover a 3km spot which will, for sure, provides you with beautiful sessions !
You want to know more about the spot ? What's written below should interest you!
Winds and tides
The wind
The Opal Coast is a windy destination. It is therefore generally possible to practice all year round.
Favourable orientations :
The ones that will make you glide over the water easily are the South/South-West winds to North ones, via West (the West wind being a wind coming directly from the sea, called onshore).
Be careful with the south winds though, they can be slightly side-off.
When the wind comes from the North, buildings can disturb it and the forecasts are therefore no longer completely reliable.
In this case, it's better to look at the Fort-Mahon anemometer.
You will find below a detailed explanatory diagram 😉
The tides
At low tide :
When the tide recedes, large (but not dangerous) bays appear all along the coast, allowing you to practice on a flat water surface. For beginners, this is the ideal place to start out in complete safety. It is possible to sail on these flat areas for up to 2.5 hours. These areas are also suitable for freestyle or speed.
At high tide :
Conditions are similar to those of the open sea.
There is still a reassuring space of 300 to 400 meters between the sea and the dike.
However, beware of waves and currents, especially on an ebb tide. With an onshore wind, it becomes even more difficult to navigate. This area is therefore recommended for "intermediate plus" level kitesurfers, as access to the water will be more difficult with the shore break.

Be careful, there is an obstacle: the Bouchot mussel park. This one appears at low tide, located at the North of Berck sur mer. You will be able to spot it easily with the help of its big yellow buoy.
The spot being very large, you will easily find areas reserved for kitesurfers. You are free to take your kite out solo or to join a group of riders, the spot is quite friendly and there are many friendly locals!
Be careful during the high season, the beach of Berck attracts visitors. During the summer (July/August), the bathing areas are located in front of the city center. You should avoid this area to practice your favorite sport.
To park, you can go to the "Parking Terminus" (see map below). Be careful though, this parking lot is quite close to the Bouchot mussel park. You should therefore prefer a north wind to park there! If the wind is south, you can also go to the Saint-Nicolas parking lot 😊
One more tip 🤙
Authie Bay
Have you heard of the Authie Bay? This spot is beautiful! It is worth the detour! To get there you have to go to the Sternes sailing club.
However, we recommend it to advanced kiteboarders because of the limited space to launch the kite.
Now, you just have to gather your gear and go to Berck - La Grand plage for some great sessions!
We thank Jerome from the school of Kitesurf Opale Kite for sharing his passion and good vibe !
Don't hesitate to visit his page! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, you will have a great time with the team! The school offers you courses perfectly adapted to your desires and your level.